Monday, October 29, 2012

Search Engine Friendly-On page Blog Settings Optimization

On page blog setting optimization is the ultimate post of my search engine friendly series. If you have missed my previous discussions, then you may take a tour on Search Engine Friendly-Optimize Keywords and Meta Tags and Search Engine Friendly-Automatic Image Optimization.

Today, I will show you the best and precise way to optimize your blogger settings. Once you have completed the following steps, your desired blog also will be 100% truly optimized. That means you can also catch the valuable traffic for your beloved blog from different search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.

Customize Title and Description

Firstly, you must sign in your blogger blog and go to dashboard or click on design. Now look at the left site, you will find the setting option. After clicking on setting option you will find the basic option and now you will notice the Title and Description Box for your blog home page as following—

This image shows where and how to create blogger title and description.
Blog Title and Description

 Now click on save changes and you are done.

Customize Custom robots.txt and Custom robots header tags

In this pace, I will optimize the Custom robots.txt and Custom robots header tags of your blog. Do you know? This is the most significant and extremely sensitive segment of your total on page optimization due to a strong relation with crawlers and indexing. That means you can keep a good control of search engines bots by this tool.

By the way, now follow my instructions, firstly, go to and select your blog and go to settings and click on search preference option. Now find the Custom robots.txt and click on edit, you will see Custom robots.txt box enables and copy the following red colored text but in the sitemap section enter your blog address such as

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Sitemap: http://www.your blog

Now click on save changes and you are done. Now take a look at Custom robots header tags section and click on edit to enable as you have done before. Now see the following screen shot--

Here you can see the perfect custom robots header tag marks.
Blogger Custom robots header tag

Now, click on save changes and your blog is perfectly search engine friendly optimized.

Thank you.

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